Thursday, 26 February 2015

Applied Animation: Final Idea

After deciding to look at the first 10 pages of the story (because I realised that this book doesn't actually have chapters even though I've been looking at this book for the past week), I began to colour code different references from the book that I thought would help me to begin designing certain aspects of my title sequence, such as environments, characters, story line, etc. It also gave me more of an insight into the kind of sounds that are present within the story and what kind of sounds I need to be looking at that will be sympathetic to the style of the book.

From this I was able to create a spider diagram of my final ideas for the title sequence. I was able to narrow down certain aspects and begin to think about what I need to start considering in order for this idea to move forward. I began to think about the story line more specifically and what events and actions I wanted to take place within my title sequence and more importantly, what order I wanted them to be in. I also began to make plans for moving forward with things such as the character design, environment design and sounds. In particular I want to experiment with different sounds and the concept of using a soundtrack for my title sequence, in order to gain an insight into which would help to create the stronger, more appropriate atmosphere for my sequence. I also need to experiment with dialogue and figure out what kind of effect this has on the overall tone and mood of the animation. In terms of environments, I really want to focus upon creating rich environments that are sympathetic to the tone of the book I have chosen. However, I'm not sure whether I want my environments, or my characters for that matter, to be detailed or not and this is also something I need to experiment with. Camera angles is another thing that keeps flittering to the front of my mind and I feel that I would benefit greatly from experimenting with a various selection of them for each important scene in order to find the one that best conveys the mood of that particular event or action within the book. In terms of method, I want to improve my general skills within digital animation and explore creating more surreal and more in depth environments through this technique. Overall, I feel that this has given me a really good foothold that I can begin to build my idea from and I am looking forward to starting on some of the designs.

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