Thursday 11 May 2017

EP: Promotion Research

As one of the tasks for this module is to have a promotion pack to go with my film I decided that it would be wise to do a little bit of research into how other people, both professionals and students have promoted their films. Having been to MAF last year, I decided that my research would focus around that, as I still had the programme and the animations were a huge point of inspiration for me.

I found that there was quite a difference in terms of feature film promotion and short film promotion. I found that with the Phantom Boy and The Red Turtle, there was a lot more content that they had to offer and that this content was consistent throughout all of their social media and promotional sites. However, for the short films I found it very difficult to find any poster material or screen shots at all.

Website for The Red Turtle


Red Turtle Poster

I also found that the synopsis for the films have been kept very short and precise as to not give away too much of the story but to draw you in, however, the synopsis for the Phantom Boy is considerably larger.

In terms of trailers, I found that the feature film trailers were a lot longer in size due to there being more content to choose from, however, the trailers for the short films varied in length based on the overall length of the film itself. The synopsis for the shorts films was also considerably smaller, usually only a few lines long. Despite this however, the trailers still manage to draw you in and give you a little peak at what the film is about despite being short. This has made me think about how I present my film n a trailer and to think carefully about what shots I show and how.

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