BoJack Horseman is a digitally animated TV series that follows the life of a washed up, has-been actor who happens to be a horse.
Unlike the other animations I have looked at so far, BoJack Horseman isn't created for a family or children audience. In fact I'd say the target audience is for young adults upwards due to its drug related content and other adult scenarios that it deals with. Although the series contains drug use and alcohol abuse I don't necessarily believe that it is trying to raise awareness for these issues but more it was created simply for entertainment. This is particularly the case with the characters, as they are a mixture of human and animal. Also the style of the animation isn't very detailed or extremely well drawn for that matter, which again suggests that the purpose was simply for entertainment.
Overall, BoJack Horseman is a funny little animated series that gets straight to the point of its purpose, which is to entertain. Although not brilliant it does provide for a nice little bit of harmless laughter.
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