Monday 27 March 2017

EP: Animatic Screening

During our last milestone class, we each had the opportunity to show our animatics to our peers and get feedback on the overall story, timings and any progress we had made (if any) so far. It was also to see whether or not the story was clear and if there was any room for any bits to be potentially cut down or thought about differently.

The feedback I received was somewhat confusing. People seemed to be quite confused at first, yet when the story was described to them and things were explained, they understood the idea and where the story was going. Annabeth seemed pleased with my idea, however suggested that I get back with Sylvia and re-think the ending, as there seems to be no satisfying end to the story. However, I explained to Annabeth that the theme of the story was that the main character chooses not to do anything about it, but more just go home once she finds out that she must make a decision that seemed quite heavy and serious.
Once this was explained, everyone seemed on board and seemed to understand, with people saying it would make more sense if the storyboard panels were more detailed.

Feedback in terms of voice over was also given. With the atmosphere of the film being quite subtle, I felt that the voice recordings I had got didn't particularly match the overall feel of the animation, so I have decided not to add speech. However, this leave the whole question of how will people understand what is happening within the story and I have thought about the music being a huge aid in this and the characters expressions, alongside subtle expressive sounds and grunts from the character. Although some people suggested a voice over, I am not 100% sold on that idea, as I feel that it will detract from the overall story.

Having said this however, I am unsure if my story is okay or not to go ahead with, but Annabeth later said that there is nothing stopping me from taking this further into a number of small shorts that make a series, so I feel that my story is good to go.

With this in mind, I took the time to email Daniel (the musician for my film) and make sure that he was 100% sure of what the story was about and to answer any questions he might have had. He didn't seem to have any trouble understanding and he was happy with what I had sent him.

Overall, I feel that my animatic is fine for what I need it for and there are no problems with what I have done on Daniel's side either, so I don't think I am going to make any changes to it other than adding in my animated segments as I go and possibly altering shots/ timings if I feel that they are appropriate. Now that I have the green light, I am going to get on with the animating and hope that I can pick up the pace.

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