Friday 3 March 2017

EP: Storyboards and First Animatic

The storyboards for this project have taken me a lot longer than expected to complete due to the script being very detailed. Having said this however, having a very detailed script has allowed me to precisely pinpoint actions and story developments with little trouble.

Not only this, but the storyboard has turned out to be a lot longer than I would have liked for a 2 minute film. However, reading the script, I wasn't sure what I would be bale to cut and what I needed for the story to make sense, so I decided that I would storyboard the whole thing out roughly first and then figure out what I could cut,

Once I'd done this, the process of cutting things weren't any easier. I ended up with over 150 panels, and whilst some of the panels were only depicting expression changes and very quick actions, it was still too many panels.
I was having a lot of trouble cutting the story down, so I recruited the help of my peers, as they would have a more objective view of the story. Once they'd had a look at the panels I had managed to cut a small portion of them and put them together into my first animatic.

For my first pass I feel that the animatic works well. However, it feels really rushed in some areas and I feel that there's a lot of information to take in and it's quite difficult to follow in most parts. I also feel that some of the scenes jump from one to the other with no time to register what has just happened and give a viewer time to process the story.
I think I need to continue to cut down on panels to try and reduce the time of the film but make it clear and enjoyable, rather than an overload of information.

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