Friday 3 March 2017

EP: Animatic - Second Pass

Yesterday I was finally able to put together a more accurate animatic for my animation. After reviewing my previous animatic, I made the changes that I thought would help the story and added in pauses between scenes that didn't flow together without them and added in the correct timings for actions, as I had been out to film references with Lauren the day before. 

I have also made the decision to not use speech within my animation. I feel that having no speech fits the narrative better and that it creates a nicer atmosphere within the film. I will however be having subtle sounds and noises, which I feel I will need to record again, as the ones I have at the moment aren't necessarily what I want. 

In terms of timing the animatic runs a little over 2:30. However, the timing doesn't worry me all too much, as I intend to re-use walk cycles and there are a number of shots that are still or hold. With this in mind, I am confident that I will be able to animate the film in time and I am comfortable with the amount of work I have. 
Having said this however, I feel that there are a few quick shots within the animatic that are simply depicting movement, They are a little bit jumpy and don't stay on the screen for very long, but I feel that it is understandable. 

I've sent the animatic to Dan (a music student from LCoM I am collaborating with) and he will be in touch with ideas when he's had a chance to watch it.

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