Sunday 5 April 2015

Applied Animation: Environment Concepts - Hall of Hourglasses Part 2

Based on the reference photographs I took the other day and the references I took from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I have been able to create a few different concepts of how I want the basics of the room to appear.

Concept 1

Although I was really pleased with myself for managing to get the perspective of the room looking okay and the lines more or less lined up, I wasn't actually happy with the overall appearance of the room. There isn't enough depth within the room and there aren't enough shelves either and whilst I could place more shelves within the room, I still don't feel that this would help to portray the vastness of the room like I would want it to. However, it has given me a good basis to help with the other room designs.

Concept 2

Because I wanted the room to look larger and feel more vast, I decided to experiment with changing the perspective and adding more shelves to the room. This did help to make the room look larger, like I had hoped it would. I also changed the design of the shelves a little so I wouldn't have to draw as much detail if I were to use this as my final design. I need to think about how much detail I want in my backgrounds, as it will effect my time management if there is a lot of small detail. I really liked this design and I was happy to leave it there, however, I decided to give myself one last shot at designing my Hall of Hourglasses just in case I came up with something better...

Concept 3

...and I did. I really like this last design. I feel that it captures the vastness of the room really well and helps to create an ominous atmosphere. I feel that it has the potential to be a space that will make an audience feel slightly on edge, as it could appear to be a room of mystery that has an edge of danger to it because it is so large. I also really love the camera angle in this design, as it also helps to create a sense of vastness and space. I also like the design of the shelves, as they aren't too complicated yet they look really good when they are put together in this way.

Overall, I feel that I have a room design that I am really happy with here and I feel that I will be able to work with this design really well. I also feel that it has the potential to be a really good room to move through. I just need to think about adding the hourglasses and colour now...

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